The Brilliant Edit

History of the Diamond as the April Birthstone

How this gem sparkled its way to being an April symbol

Diamonds are universally loved, but for those lovely brilliant humans with an April birthday, this gem is extra special. But how did diamonds get the coveted birthstone status?

We’re brushing up on our diamond history and how it came to be a go-to gift for April babies. 

What’s your sign?

It’s a pretty safe bet that you probably know your zodiac sign and at least a few of the traits that go along with it. Like most months, April babies can have one of two signs. They’re either an Aries or a Taurus. 

Both of these signs are known for being hardworking, strong, and independent, which were associated with the rebirth that comes with springtime. And with spring in full swing by the time April rolls around, it’s also a time for optimism, love, and energy. So, anyone born during the month was thought to have those very same traits.

Conveniently, scholars in the middle ages also tended to associate those traits with diamonds. So, it’s no surprise that April and diamonds have gone hand in hand for centuries. 

Pretty and powerful

Since diamonds form under immense pressure, they’re one of the strongest materials in the world. While the science behind diamond formation wasn’t pinpointed until relatively recently, diamond strength and durability have been common knowledge since the middle ages. 

At that time, many people believed that each month of the year could be associated with a specific gemstone and by wearing your month’s stone could grant you special powers. 

Diamond-bearing April babies were thought to have greater strength and vitality, so if any obstacles came their way, they’d be sure to overcome them. 

Making it official

Though diamonds have been considered April’s birthstone for hundreds of years, there was no formal record cementing it as fact. That meant vendors could take advantage of unsuspecting customers by claiming any gem was the month’s symbol. 

To protect people looking to don their birthstones, the American National Association of Jewelers published the official list, cementing the diamond as April’s gem.

What’s your birthstone? Let us know on Instagram! And remember, you don’t have to be born in April to love diamonds. We here at GB believe there’s definitely enough sparkle to go around. 

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