The Brilliant Edit

What Mom Taught Me About Jewelry

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and moms everywhere are being enthusiastically celebrated en masse this week. Honestly though, don’t mothers deserve more credit for their unconditional love and keen fashion direction all year round? 

In that spirit, I have to say that some of my mom’s best styling advice has shaped the way I’ve dressed and accessorized since I was a kid.

Sure, we all learn the typical “iron your clothes”, “be your own person”, and “always bring a jacket” stuff, but my mom’s advice didn’t stop there. She just happens to have a great eye for accessories as well. 

So, without further ado, here are a few favorite life-altering lessons my mom has taught me about jewelry over the years.

When in doubt, go for quality!

My mom had a notoriously bad jewelry allergy. If she wore any metal that wasn’t stainless steel, gold, or silver, she’d get a rash at best or start swelling at worst. 

Since she had such a bad reaction to lower-quality jewelry pieces, she was always careful to make sure I didn’t wear anything questionable either. 

As I got older, I started to buy my own jewelry and, just to keep her on her toes, I dabbled in buying cheaper jewelry pieces as a teen. 

Luckily, I don’t have the same allergy she does, so I’ve never had any issues, but she had a good point. 

Unless you’re decently sure you don’t have a metal allergy, sticking to high-quality items. Even if that means only having a few of them, it is much better than dealing with an allergic reaction and the wasted cash on pieces you’ll just have to get rid of anyway. 

A versatile classic that will never go out of style.

Wear what makes you feel like yourself!

My mom has always been what I’d consider a “classic” kind of woman when it comes to her style. She’s never really been big for following trends and has always opted for investing in jewelry that she feels confident wearing. 

Over the years, her advice to wear what makes me feel most comfortable has really rubbed off. 

I remember trying so hard to get chokers or bracelets that stacked as high up as my elbow to work for me because that’s what was popular. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t understand why I didn’t feel satisfied with my accessorizing skills! Turns out I was following the trends instead of simply going with what I liked.

When I finally started to realize I wasn’t loving my style because I wasn’t comfortable just like my mom always said, it was an absolute fashion vibe game-changer. 

Nowadays I still buy into a jewelry trend here and there, but I mostly wear what I like. And I’m so good with that. 

A modern take on another timeless classic.

Take care of your jewelry!

To be clear, my mom’s jewelry tips could honestly fill a book, but I’ll end this post with one last rule of thumb, and that’s to take care of your jewelry. 

It doesn’t matter if you have a drawer full of high-end pieces or if you mostly wear costume jewelry. When properly cared for your jewelry can last decades. On the other hand, neglecting it can lead to tarnishing, damage, and the most dreaded accessory ailment – unmanageable  jewelry knots. 

Can a diamond ring actually ever go out of style? We think not!

Turns out it’s no wonder my mom has costume jewelry from her teen years that still looks brand new. She invested in classic pieces, prioritized styles that she felt were her and took care of the things she so carefully chose for herself.

Now it’s your turn. What’s one piece of advice that mom taught you about jewelry?

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