Karla & Jacki
Karla and Jacki’s extraordinary love emerged in a universe where love knows no boundaries. From their first meeting, these two remarkable individuals have created a bond that radiates joy and acceptance.
What was your first impression of each other?
Jacki: My first impression of Karla was how stunning she was. I knew from her photos she was beautiful, but when I met her in person, she was 10 times more beautiful. Her energy and presence when she walked in was so captivating. She was easy to talk to, there was no awkward moments, she was the package!
Karla: My first impression of Jacki was “I’m in trouble.” She was so tall, had amazing legs, and these bright blue eyes. I had hearts in my eyes the moment I saw her.
How do you celebrate pride and what is a message you would like to share?
Jacki: I like to celebrate Pride with all my friends and a big Pride Parade. Where everyone is enjoying their company and proud to be a part of the community without having to worry about any judgement around us. It’s a time for people to truly express themselves and connect with other people who are like them. A message I would like to share is to try and celebrate every month like we do in June because we are beautiful and deserve to know what it’s like to feel equal to everyone in the world!
Karla: With friends of course. Lots of love, laughs, good conversations, dancing. Every year I attend San Francisco Pride with all of my best friends and it’s the best time. The message I would like to share is be proud of who you are. Don’t be afraid to express yourself, because there are so many beautiful things that await you!
What is your date night go-to?
Jacki: My date night go to is a simple movie night with tons of junk food. Particularly, slurpees, hot dog, and sour candy!
Karla: My date night go-to is a nice dinner, get all dressed up, with good wine and food, and good conversation with my partner.
Who buys better gifts and what is it?
Jacki: It’s pretty equal to be honest. We are both givers and love to buy each other gifts. We’ve talked about this before and both think we are better than the other of course. But I always end the debate with, I got you an engagement ring. Check mate.
Karla: Until she got me the engagement ring, me! Though we are both great gift givers, I still think I got her better gifts.
Karla, a vision of beauty, left Jacki in awe the moment they met. Jacki couldn’t help but admire Karla’s beautiful presence, “I knew from her photos she was beautiful, but when I met her in person, she was 10 times more beautiful. Her energy and presence when she walked in was so captivating”.
Jacki and Karla’s love story serves as an example of the beautiful connections that can be forged when two soulmates find each other and to accept who we truly are and to value our uniqueness. For Jacki and Karla, pride is more than just a month- long celebration, it’s a reminder that everyone deserves equality, empowerment, and the freedom to express themselves.