The Brilliant Edit

5 Ways to Get Your Partner’s Ring Size Without Them Knowing

So, you’ve finally made the exciting decision to propose to your significant other! You have the proposal all planned out in your head and you even know the specific cut of the ring you’re going to get them, thanks to their not so secret Pinterest board. You’re almost all set to pop the question but now you have to figure out your partner’s ring size. How do you find out without them knowing? Well here are some great tips that will help you acquire the perfect fitting engagement ring without your partner ever finding out!

Ask a friend

Recruit one of their best friends to help you carry out your secret mission. If this proposal has been a long time coming, chances are that your S.O. has already talked about engagement rings and weddings with their best friend. So, ask the friend if they happen to already know your partner’s ring size and if not, they can very easily and casually just slip it into their conversation.

Take one of their existing rings

If she already has existing rings, take note of the ones that they wear on their right ring finger. Once you have locked in on this target ring, find a way to take it for the day without them knowing. You can then bring this ring to the jeweler and they will be able to accurately size the ring. If the ring that you took is one that they wear regularly or is a favorite, make sure to bring it back as soon as you can so you don’t arouse suspicion!

Trace their ring

If you don’t think you can get away with taking one of their beloved rings for a whole day without them noticing, try to sneak one out of their jewelry box for a few seconds and trace it. Trace the inside and outside of their ring with a pen or pencil and bring this drawing to the jeweler. If you don’t have a pen and paper lying around, you can even grab a bar of soap and press the ring onto it. This will give you an outline of the ring that the jeweler can measure.

Buy a decoy ring

What if your partner doesn’t really wear rings? What if they don’t even know their own ring size to be able to tell a friend? Well, in this case, you can buy them a decoy ring. It can be a cheaper ring that you can get from a casual jewelry store, a toy ring or even a ring pop. The idea here is to give them a ring that they will most likely try on. Once they try it on, take note of how it fits on her finger. Remember if it’s too loose, too tight or if it fits perfectly. Then, you can take the toy ring to the store and share your findings with the jeweler.

Get them to try on a ring in store

Go to a jewelry store and pretend that you want to get a loved one a present. Beforehand though, get the sales associate in on the plan and get them to ask her to try some rings on. Make it look like you are only interested in looking at necklaces, earrings and bracelets. You can then tell the associate to direct her to the rings and offer to measure their finger so they can find out their ring size. This way, it makes it seem like none of that was your idea and you get an accurate ring size in the end!

And there you have it! If you follow these tips, you’ll be sure to keep the element of surprise and get a ring that fits as perfect as your partner.

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